Month: October 2015

The Organic Vs. Chemical Fertilizers Battle! Who wins?

Apart from insects, you will need the insects, so even as you control them, consider using a bug hotelto encourage beneficial insects in the garden. A chemical fertilizer is defined as an inorganic/ synthetic component wholly or partially that is added to soil to promote crop growth and reminarization of soil. Organic fertilizers are a byproduct or remain of natural organisms such s animals and plants that promotes growth.

Of course, in such a garden, sometimes pests/ insects and weeds increase greatly in number; the best choice is control-using traps such as using a wasp trap and building an outdoor hutch with the help of good rabbit hutch plans to hold your pet rabbits, that can be fed using the weeds

Of course, in such a garden, sometimes pests/ insects and weeds increase greatly in number; the best choice is control-using traps such as using a wasp trap and building an outdoor hutch with the help of good rabbit hutch plans to hold your pet rabbits, that can be fed using the weeds

It is important to understand the need to add manure to your soil as gardening continues. 1. Healthy soil contains organic matter on which soil organisms feed, thus breaking down the matter into particles that are small enough to be absorbed by plant roots 2. That organic matter gives soil the ability to hold, or store, nutrients for future plant use 3. The broken down organic matter allows gradual water drainage and proper water retention which allows plant roots to absorb water and water-soluble nutrients at their own pace Sourced from: Organic fertilizers have merits and demerits just like in chemical fertilizers

The good news is that these microorganisms obtain energy from decaying plant and animal matter, so an application of organic fertilizer provides a complete package of nutrients for your soil. Sourced from: A chemical fertilizer just like any other component in life has its advantages and disadvantages

Commercial formulated fertilizers allow you to know exactly which nutrients you're giving your plants, rather than guessing at the composition of organic formulas. Sourced from: The demerits of using chemical fertilizers are immense and extensive in nature and farming

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